Women Supporting Women in Business
Kenosha Women’s Network is a nonprofit organization which actively promotes the advancement of its members individually and as a whole. Since 1980, KWN has provided networking support to our diverse membership. Most members are women who want to do business with other women. Many are in the business, professional and political community. Some are home-based entrepreneurs, in education or retail or retired.
Kenosha Women’s Network draws membership from:
Kenosha, Racine, Milwaukee and Walworth Counties in WI and Lake County, IL
Our membership meetings are held every second Friday of the month.
The 2024 Holiday Luncheon and Grand Raffle is history. We made over $8,000 for out mini grant program. Join us next year on December 12th, 2025!
Philanthropy. It’s what we do. Celebrating 40+ years as a nonprofit!
Mini Grants
Kenosha Women’s Network annually awards mini-grants to local, not for profit organizations. The amount available for the awards depends on the amount of money raised at our annual Holiday Raffle. Greater consideration will be given to those applicants/organizations who participate in helping raise the funds. Application forms are available, NOW, on the “Philanthropy” page.
Susan B. Anthony
The Susan B. Anthony-Women of Influence Awards dinner is held annually to award women for their service to the greater Kenosha community. KWN is one of three sponsoring organizations. As well as the awards, grants and scholarships are awarded at the event. To learn more, and link to pictures of the 2024 event, go to our “Philanthropy” page.